How It All Broke: The Report Explained by the Advocate in a Series of Videos

New Brunswick’s Child, Youth and Seniors’ advocate Kelly Lamrock has released a new report titled, How It All Broke, identifying five central governance flaws from the 1990s that negatively impact social programs and deprive New Brunswickers of service.

The advocate has summarized the report in a series of videos touching on five flaws in governance.

Introduction: The Advocate’s findings on governance

Governance Flaw 1: Failing to plan for human resources  

Governance Flaw 2: Budgeting without measurement of what works

Governance Flaw 3: Enforcing rules without accountability for results

Governance Flaw 4: Meeting fiscal goals but not social outcomes

Governance Flaw 5: Neglecting preventive planning and overspending

Amélie Brutinel